Wellness / Circadian Rythmn Lighting System

  • 2019

  • Engineering

Designed In:


The Circadian Rhythm Lighting system is the result of many years of research that aimed to provide tools to clinicians to trial, track and use light to improve the health and behaviour of patients in aged care facilities. It comprises lights and programming that deliver varying light colour and intensities.

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  • In developing light tools that could be used for wellness we analyised the status of current standards and practice in this area and discovered few existed. The system should enable clinicians to tailor lighting conditions in terms of distribution, colour, intensity, time of day and transitions via a system that can be easily configured, is small increment adjustable, reports status and is able to be retrofitted to existing facilities. Settings developed and recorded in trials would be used to measure the effectiveness of lighting as a treament. Due to number of unkowns a more is more approach was applied.

  • We developed a simple downlight and accompanying wall light fittted with addressable controllable high output LEDs and smart drivers. We used proprietry components where possible. The lights would be located to provide very high levels of light on patients, and the upper lights in the wall light provide indirect lighting to the rooms surfaces. Varying the interrelationship of direct and reflected light is a key factor in wellness treatments. We sourced unique light drivers that generate a light spectrum from 1800K to 16500K, 100% variable intensity and colour adjustbake in 100K colour temp steps. A variety of colours and trims.

  • The effective use of the system should as a minumum provide a calming effect on patients by syncrohnising interior lighting with natural light cycles. The eventual effect of the system is to use the upper blue colour range of the system to reset body clocks and aid in sleep patterns and beahviours. The system can also control blinds and doors to automate treatments and limit the effect of natural daylight whilst treatments occur. The lights themselves are robust long life, self reporting units, their visible form can be varied with attcahabke trims and paint colours.

  • The elements of tne circadian rythmn lighting system are: light form / light location / light output ( up to 2000lux can be generated) / light colour ( 1800K to 16500K is a very large colour range) / daylight control interaces / system recipes and all are developed