August Lounges by Gibson Karlo for DesignByThem

  • 2021

  • Product
    Furniture and Lighting

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The August Lounge Collection by Gibson Karlo is an exploration of intersecting volumes and articulated geometries. An exercise in restraint, the Australian design balances a minimal form with emphasised junctions to create a distinct and inviting collection that is aesthetically adaptable to residential and commercial spaces.

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Image: Pete Daly
Image: Pete Daly
Image: Pete Daly
Image: Pete Daly
Image: Pete Daly
Image: Pete Daly
Image: Pete Daly
Image: Pete Daly
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  • A fundamental part of the August Collection was to highlight and exaggerate how the aesthetic and decorative elements of a design is driven by the function of its assembly and construction. The aim was to create a design that people are drawn to, creates a sense of wonder and yet is flexible enough to be used in a variety of applications.

  • The August Collection initially began with sketches of intersecting colours, shapes and blocks that were further explored with the application of upholstery and transformed into the block-like forms that make up the August Lounges. Rather than having the seat and backrest simply end or integrate into the sides, they are extended beyond the arms and, in doing so, create a visual point of interest that emphasises the geometric forms that initially captured the designers. Blanket-stitched edges can be applied which further emphasises a soft yet crisp form and allows for more custom options for the client.

  • The August range captures the balance of simplicity, character and understated playfulness in a lounge collection that is distinctive and modern. The design is locally made and is the result of a partnership between the designers and the craftspeople involved in making them. We believe fast furniture is just as big an issue as fast fashion as it erodes the value of design and the skills in delivering innovative products. Utilising a hybrid of FSC/E0-rated timber for the internal structure, every detail, seam and frame element is carefully considered to make this range appear simpler than it really is.

  • "The August Collection initially began with a number of small sketches of intersecting colours, shapes and blocks during what is often a rare opportunity to have some unstructured and uninterrupted time where we can just freely sketch. It was during this time that a sketch of some intersecting rectangular blocks grabbed our interest and subsequent explorations of these blocks were done. These blocks then began to slowly transform into the primary forms that would go on to become the August range. We were drawn to these primary forms and the idea of an object being made by having simple geometries intersect, especially if those geometries were made of soft materials but appeared to be rigid and unsupported by any other structures. For us, this range captures the balance of simplicity, character and understated playfulness that we aim to achieve in our designs. The importance of challenging ourselves to produce considered, original design allows us to positively contribute to the design discourse whether it is through the aesthetic, materiality, manufacturing or the function of the design. " - Gibson Karlo