PwC / Digitial Trust Manager – Risk Assessments Just Got a Whole Lot Easier


PwC’s Digital Trust Manager: Assess, is a self-assessment platform that determines an organisation’s maturity across key risk areas. The platform identifies and provides recommendations to eliminate gaps in organisational maturity in line with industry standards and best practices. All assessments, paid and free, are available at any time.

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  • We aimed to enhance the assessment process experience by incorporating best-in-class UX practices and new, advanced components for an efficient, user-friendly platform that would encourage consistent usage. In addition, all existing print materials needed to be adapted and introduced into the digital world. Our main challenge was incorporating complex sets of assessment matrices and varied question formats, resulting in the need for a range of infographic and analysis dashboards. Each assessment had multi-layered categories and lengthy question sets, meaning we needed to create an experience that continually engaged the user throughout the lengthy assessment process.

  • Our primary focus for this project was simplifying the assessment process while improving the communication hierarchy for an enhanced user flow. To achieve this, we divided the platform experience into two main sections: Questionnaire: where the user can easily respond to assessment questions. Result Dashboard: where the resulting data is presented clearly, and actions are suggested to mitigate any identified risks. Integrating assessments developed by PwC subject experts with interactive dashboards and automated tailored advice, Digital Trust Manager: Assess is leading the charge in pioneering organisational risk profile management.

  • The business landscape is constantly evolving, and risk with it. This platform collects, analyses, and shares critical risk assessment information allowing businesses to efficiently and quickly identify and respond to risk. By streamlining and improving the user experience, users can now more smoothly assess and respond to threats to their business. The improved development process and implementation of a strong design also ensure faster development time for consistent updates and future-proofing of the platform.