Crownes Chess

  • 2021

  • Product
    Sport and Lifestyle

Designed By:

Commissioned By:

Etho LLC

DesignNest Inc.

Designed In:

United States of America

The Crownes Chess Set successfully accomplishes the idea of nesting both team’s pieces, one over the other, into a single stack. By designing a set that neatly nests together, this product developed in the United States of America allows users to arrange pieces in a highly organized way by removing pieces in sequential order.

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  • Problem - Many chess sets are presented with either: 1) a heap of pieces tossed into a folded board, deep enough for a disorganized pile of parts, 2) a loose bag, pieces are shoved into, with lack of order when dumped out in disarray, 3) foam cut-outs for individual placement- tidy but moderately space & time consuming, 4) an entirely separate box or drawer, using more real-estate than necessary, 5) compact, puzzle like sets that try to cleverly condense pieces into unintuitive formations - challenging & cause of inevitable frustration.

  • Crownes Chess is an impressively compact but full sized chess set experience without compromising the functional values & historical integrity of the game. A setup arranged with ease and effortless to stow away. The space"saving solution has significantly less footprint while stowed than the majority of mainstream chess sets. Crownes Chess re"imagines this classic game with an innovative, organizational quality, which many, if not all other chess sets fail to offer.

  • Crownes Chess was designed to accommodate a user's lifestyle & playing needs with simple design applications that redefine the chess playing experience. The product experience from beginning to end provides an efficiency indicative of the game itself & further emphasizes the "Russian Doll - one inside the other" theme throughout it's unboxing experience. Each team can fit in the palm of your hand & stores into a narrow cylindrical vessel. These tubular vessels are wrapped by the board into a singular roll and placed into a slim carry case.

  • Nested Barrel: 16 pieces enter sequentially into one the barrel Modern Design: Sleek and neat design Magnetic Base: Prevents from pieces to fall of Case: Entire team enters into a case Combine Into 1 Roll: Board rolls and binds both team storage cases together All Stored in One Case: both cases with teams' pieces store in one case