Communication Braille Bench

  • 2016

  • Social Impact

Commissioned By:

Deesawat Industries Co. Ltd.

Designed In:


We would like to create a furniture design that can create the awareness and might lead to a new design behaviour.

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  • For the blind...we believe that in the society..they always depend on the other . Therefore, we would like them to be able to feel as equally as important as the other. So we have been using the braille wording as a mean. For the tiera bench...they are public outdoor bench where the seat is available for 2-3 seater. Therefore, we have put the braille wording that said "if you sit alone, try to move a bit to aside and give some space" We would like the blind to be able to becoming the one who can offer something back to the society and feel good about themselves. Because we believe that everyone is the society is responsible for something....and sharing is for everyone...not matter what.