St Hilda’s Collegiate School – Campus Redevelopment

  • 2024

  • Built Environment
    Architectural Design

Designed In:

New Zealand

What started as a discussion over a potential Visual & Performing Arts building at St Hilda’s Collegiate College in Dunedin, New Zealand – turned into 10 years of Campus redevelopment after a visit to & tour Melbourne schools with Education Consultant – Julia Atkin in 2015. The challenge, what is the long term vision?

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  • The Challenge - The school has previously been developed in a haphazard/reactive manner over the last 40 years. So how can this be turned around & how does new development happen in a proactive way with a view to the future while trying to fix the mistakes of the past. St Hilda’s was founded in 1896 and has recently celebrated its 125th anniversary. So what does St Hilda’s look like is another 50, 100, 125 years time? The school is constrained in regards to the campus size and is in an urban built up area just above Dunedin’s CBD.

  • The school purchased extra property for the Visual & Performing Arts building but after the trip to Melbourne in 2015 is was felt that it would be a mistake to build on that section - both in terms of flow, connection, sun, weather and cost. So it was built over one existing tennis court, with carparking and a playing field extension. It was realised that this would be stage 1 of possibly 3 or 4 stages. Stage 1 was completed in 2019. Stage 2 - Staff facilities upgrade (2021), Stage 3 - Whitby Hall / Chapel Redevelopment (2023) and Stage 4 - Technology Department Fitout (2024).

  • The Campus Redevelopment has brought a recognition at St Hilda’s of the necessity of connection, community and quality - both within the school and between the school and the wider community. The need to rediscover what the heart of the campus is and to not lose sight of it again moving forward. By taking a larger and longer view of things, the redevelopment has brought quality, colour, connection and community along with a refocus on what is important. Buildings have to be more than buildings - they are a sanctuary, a refuge, a place to recharge, a haven - a place of FUN!

  • The Campus redevelopment also involved:- + After the trip to Melbourne, Dwelling Architectural Design undertook an audit of the school property along with the School’s Property Manager and the School’s Board Representative. This involved interviewing staff and hearing their concerns, obtaining asbestos reports, earthquake reports on existing buildings, looking at existing maintenance and future maintenance - making notes on all buildings and spaces (inside & out). + New playground. Undertaken by the school. + Upgrade to the transformer that supplied the campus. Undertaken by the Electrical Engineer. + New lighting and radiant heating to the gymnasium. Undertaken by the Electrical Engineer. + Move to LED lighting and heat pumps renewal. Undertaken by School. Dwelling Architectural Design was not directly involved in these things last 4 items but had input into them at a high level, so that someone had an eye on the big picture.