GymLudic® – a small box full of surprises!

  • 2016

  • Product
    Sport and Lifestyle

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GymLudic ® is an educational play structure for pre-school children providing fun ways to develop motor and psychomotor skills. It is a compact box that is easy to manoeuvre, unfold and assemble . GymLudic ® enables more than 80 motor activities to be provided for children’s development and enjoyment.

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  • GymLudic ® is a teaching tool and play equipment which comes in the shape of a compact box on wheels. Easy to manoeuver and unfold it can be opened into three distinct sections. Accessories are easy to put in place and adjust, and extend the range of possible activities . It can be used indoors or outdoors. The playfulness of the GymLudic ® encourages children to participate, be proactive and eager to learn more. Children can develop and improve their motor and psychomotor skills over time in a fun and enjoyable way.

  • With the GymLudic ® teachers and children can achieve numerous motor skills objectives included in pre-school programmes. With the modular structure and accessories teachers are able to offer children activities with various levels of difficulty. Progressively more complex exercises enable children to improve their motor and psychomotor skills during their years in pre-school. A GymLudic ® Educational Booklet is distributed to teachers, helping them to organize play and educational activities for groups of children. After use the GymLudic ® can be folded and stored in a convenient location. The ability to store the GymLudic ® allows for more flexible use of space in pre-school facilities.

  • Easy to manoeuver and unfold the GymLudic® is opened into three distinct sections. When put in place the middle connecting deck determines the correct location of the two halves of the GymLudic ®, which ensures stability of the structure whilst in use. Easy to use locking mechanisms are in place to ensure the safety and stability of the GymLudic ® and it's extendable ramps, bridge, net and balance beams. Designed to be used under the supervision of teachers the elements are ergonomically designed for two to six year old children. The GymLudic ® Educational Booklet provides a full description of the equipment and how to use it. GymLudic ® has been tested and approved by TÜV for compliance with EN1176-1:2008.

  • The quality of GymLudic ® is evident in the innovative design, use of materials, our understanding of the needs of young children and how educators can meet these needs through flexible use of limited space options. Proludic's ability to design and create the GymLudic ® is evidence of our commitment to a quality standard with one overriding aim: customer and user satisfaction. This is a daily commitment that concerns each department of the company and is measured through a series of indicators at the design, manufacturing and implementation stages of projects. Proludic has held ISO 9001 certification since 2001 and is a clear sign of our determination to provide innovative, high quality play equipment solutions

    GymLudic ® provides a totally new and innovative way for pre-school children to participate in activities that contribute to their physical, psychomotor, intellectual, social and emotional development. Many early childhood establishments have limited space and rely on teachers setting up many small individual items of moveable play equipment for the children to use each day. The ability to manoeuver and unfold the GymLudic ® and easily fold it up and store again each day provides teachers with a flexible and convenient solution. The content, length and diversity of activities can be adapted to suit the needs of different children. Children and teachers really enjoy using the GymLudic ®.