DING FL1 LED Bike Light

  • 2017

  • Product
    Sport and Lifestyle

Designed By:

Commissioned By:

Design Brains Pty Ltd

Designed In:


DING greatly enhances rider visibility from all angles in low light conditions. This is achieved by using a unique downward and forward beam combination within the one light, the downward beam projection provides a safety light shield around the cyclist. The two-beam combination is a world first, and is patent protected.

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  • The overall design of DING FL1 was to create an aesthetic that initially had a base in traditional bike light form and function. The DING design does not initially portray its uniqueness with the addition of the secondary light source of the downward beam within the one light. The uniqueness of the safety technology is only realised when the downward beam is switch on and in use. Des Burns the designer wanted the form and aesthetic to obtain an initial acceptable level of feasibility first with the cyclist: 'I can see that on my bike' approach. Obtaining wide adaption of the DING innovation was a key driver in its form and design. In real terms, it is a radical change on how a bike light works. Its look and feel is aiming for premium and individuality.

  • The key functional benefit of DING in comparison to other bike lights is that it can be used as a traditional bike light with forward beam only, or operated with the addition of the downward beam. The forward beam will produce 650 lumens on higher modes, which is excellent for riding in complete darkness. In city or suburban environs, using DING on low forward mode or flashing mode together with the downward beam, provides the additional safety of being seen more clearly. The two-beam combination provides a unique look for a cyclist; a halo of light surrounds the cyclist while the forward beam lights up the road ahead. Other premium high powered bike lights in the market do not provide the additional safety benefit of DING

  • The number one priority of DING design is to greatly improve rider safety. Statistics show that three out of every four road accidents between motorist and cyclist is the fault of the motorist. The most common crash reason given by motorists is that they simply did not see the cyclist or misjudged their speed. DING¹s fundamental aim is to improve on this inexcusable statistic. The new 'Keep your Distance' rider laws works in conjunction with DING. The rider sends out a message to other road users with the downward beam on, showing a clear rectangle pattern of light around the bike. This stretches out to 1.5 metres either side of the bike, giving a visual indicator of the required clearance from the rider.

  • DING is a new start-up business, launching through Kickstarter, with a husband and wife team. We have put focus into maximising our innovation idea by producing a premium quality light at a low-price point, with a twist of colour. Obtaining market approval for innovation through good quality and safety were our key drivers. All components used in the product have been fully tested over a 2-year period of product development. The plastics used are polycarbonates for strength and wear. The front bezel is made from die cast aluminium and provides the necessary heat sinking requirement for the LED's on higher modes. The overall light is protected against ingress to level IP65. Every light is assembled by hand in Adelaide, and fully tested before shipping out to customers.

    The light is hand built, no glues or permanent assembly methods are used. This allows for all parts to be repurposed, easily recycled or upgraded and replaced. The rechargeable battery can be replaced by DING HQ to further extend the products life cycle. The product is packaged in a reusable tin to save wasted cardboard and plastics. The light is protected within the tin by its own micro fibre protection pouch. No wasted foam or other packaging medium is used. The tin size was specially made to our design to ensure a good fit, replacing the need for other internal packaging materials. The tin can be used as a permanent light storage solution or be repurposed for a myriad of other uses, e.g. a stationery holder.