Arts Month

  • 2021

  • Communication
    Branding and Identity

Designed In:

New Zealand

Arts Month in New Zealand is a grass-roots style campaign led by the Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi to put the arts into the national conversation. The public were given the opportunity to write, draw, sing, dance and express what the arts meant to them in a digital and physical space.

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  • Encourage everyone no matter where they where in the Arts Journey to express themselves and share what art meant to them. People often saw the arts as an intangible concept with no real relevance to the everyday - a scary elite world that was out of reach. The tool, campaign and the month worth of communication aimed to help make the arts and everyone's experience accessible and heard.

  • At the core of the campaign was an interactive tool. We developed this using Fabric.js, to sit on the website, that allowed the public to draw, type, paint, doodle or add imagery to a composition. Users then submit, save and share their creations to a wall and social media. A built in moderation tool was developed so only accepted images could be shared to the page. This was coupled with shareable printed materials for people to draw, write, scribble and share in the social space.

  • The campaign was extremely successful with over 200 organisations, 51 schools, countless artists and 6 arts festivals across Aotearoa signing up and participating. Digitally, the campaign received over 1 million page impressions, 400,000 social engagements and 3000 submissions using the online tool over the month.

  • The design utilises only 2 colours for the month with our fluorescent green and black helping to create a uniformity to the branded pieces and user generated artwork. While we embraced creative expression we still wanted to maintain a sense of brand recognition for the organisation.