
When the NSW Department of Family & Community Services approached Frost*collective to develop a public campaign around sexual consent, this was the perfect time to create a long lasting campaign which could solve the issues around consent – with positivity.

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  • The brief was to attract and educate 18–35-year olds on the subject of sexual consent in a way that speaks their language and resonates with their own experiences. The purpose of the campaign is to clarify the language around consent and educate people on the behaviour around what ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ means.

  • The ‘#makenodoubt’ campaign is designed to take the ambiguity out of consent. Research revealed that a simple ‘YES’ isn’t enough. Real consent is an ‘enthusiastic YES!’. The campaign mantra, where ‘YES?’ (asking) + ‘YES!’ (enthusiastic consent) = ‘YES’ (better sex), reframes the conversation, becoming a litmus test for the sexually active. Our campaign used a monochromatic palette to highlight that consent should be black and white, while the film captures the insightful responses of the public asking what consent means to them.

  • Pru Goward, Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault says, “The #makenodoubt campaign is a positive way to raise awareness about the importance of seeking consent before having sex.”

  • Please refer to above responses and category criteria respones.