O Six Hundred Kayak

Sport and Lifestyle
Designed By:
The O Six Hundred Kayak is a reimagining of a 4,000 year old inuit design where once animal skins would be stretched over a wood or whalebone-skeleton frame. Our 2015 design is a flat pack kit that you assemble yourself; a timber frame construction that slots together like a model aeroplane with a translucent kevlar skin that glows in sunlight.
At just 10kg anyone can get to the water with ease. This is exactly what we’ve discovered from customer feedback. Our customers include kayakers who’ve until now been unable enjoy their pastime due to unwieldy craft, to design aficionados and on to urban escapists who want to get away for an hour or two. Whether it’s the satisfaction of building a boat or just getting out there; our kayak is afloat.