Waverider Boats Pat Jones Signature Series

  • 2023

  • Product
    Automotive and Transport

Designed By:

Commissioned By:

Patrick Xavier Jones

Designed In:


The new advanced Waverider vessel has been designed to solve as many safety and comfort problems associated with small aluminium fishing boats as possible.
Designed and built to the highest level of Government “Level” Flotation Safety Standards for rough offshore conditions at an affordable price for commercial and recreational fishermen.

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Image: Now with plumb bow.
Image: Chine is now even wider
Image: AusShips Tommy Ericson
Image: AusShips Tommy Ericson
Image: Beam is even wider now.
Image: Michael Taylor's vessel
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  • The highest Safety level at sea was the first challenge. To obtain "LEVEL" flotation for all the design range of vessels for both commercial and recreational fishermen. Comfort at sea in rough conditions, allowing the end user to stay longer fishing. Comfort while travelling in rough conditions without getting wet or physically hurt. Obtain control of the vessel in all sea conditions, particularly crossing river mouth bars in surf conditions. Safety in stability with crew moving around both at anchor and travelling were all addressed and solved with the new advanced unsinkable design.

  • Our first solution "stability" at anchor or travelling was to widen the reverse chine to 200 mm on a 4.5 metre vessel with the new waterline beam of 2 metres. Flotation foam was then filled into the box sides 200 mm thick the whole length of the vessel, making it unsinkable, deadening the wave noise. The wider chine improves control in a following sea, turns more spray down and away while hydrodynamically softening the ride. Safety is also built into the wide box foam filled sides so the vessel can be tipped onto it's side without water ingressing the boat.

  • Australia and the world desperately needs safer small fishing vessels that are presently designed and built as cheap as possible. This doesn't help the boating industry image. The new Waverider design has seen changes to the original, to further improve the comfort, safety, control of the vessel and quality built to exacting standards reducing the build time for a lower budget buyer. The new design will see the dangerous vessels sold today become obsolete. Studying the new Waverider design, will explain WHY our claims of safety and performance are understood so easily. It all makes sense.

  • The wide reverse chine on our range, is the secrete to the vessels performance. Looking at the "front on" plan view you will notice the chine is a straight line from bow to stern so no water is pushed but diverted down and straight to the back, hydrodynamically producing lift, softening the ride, keeping everyone on board dry. By making the sides a box section filled with foam, the top becomes a seating area, reduces noise, acting as a life ring around the vessel perimeter keeping it upright with everyone on safely board. Common Underfloor flotation is dangerous. Being manufactured from the same thickness aluminium throughout, allows for even weld heat distribution and stronger joins. With a waterline beam on a 4.5 metre vessel of 2 metres, you inherit the stability of a catamaran in a monohull. this stability also means the design is compatible as a sail boat. (yet to be tested) By building the box sides first, upside down, adding the transom, internal framework, then plating the bottom before turnover and finishing the floor with the internal desired finish, shortens the original build time reducing the original final customer investment amount.